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Erasme at the WebConférence !

jeudi 19 avril 2018


Erasme at the WebConférence !

Founded in 1998, Erasme is Grand Lyon’s open innovation laboratory. It is an internal service of the collectivity dedicated to foresight, technological watch and design of uses. As a Living lab [1], Erasme sets up methods of open innovation to stimulate new digital uses for policies and public issues.

Erasme developed its own conception laboratory, the urbanLAB. This “Do Tank” plateform is a place of innovation and collaboration where are designed and tested prototypes intended for a great diversity of uses. The new uses and experiences created within the Lab rely on four major themes :

  • Culture, through scenography and digital cultural mediation, including original interactive features that can be found in museums around the country.
  • Education, especially with the creation of laclasse.com an online platform where students, parents, and teachers can interact with each other, or with scientists and artists about precise topics.
  • Solidarity and health, with digital inclusion or adapting places of life for a sustainable social and urban environment.
  • Smart city. Here, digital and its permanent evolutions offer an opportunity for users to participate in the contributive city by the test of applications or by the uses of prototypes.

Most of these prototypes and devices are created and designed in the urbanLAB, as the result of collaborative events, like workshops or “mixes”. These challenges implicate several different actors, such as design or engineering students, professional digital creators and designers…

By mobilizing principles of open innovation (collective intelligence, rapid prototyping, UX design), these short term methodologies aim to

  • Produce most relevant services by involving the stakeholders from co-design to incubation
  • Facilitate emergence of confidence third-party spaces dedicated to commons
  • Develop sustainable economic model
  • Transform public and private organisations with agile methodologies and circular economy paradigms

As part of the The Web Conference, which will take place in Lyon, from 23 to 27 April, Erasme and TUBà will be represented on Grand Lyon’s stand.

Erasme x TUBà will propose an immersion course highlighting a methodology they have co-constructed in the context of open innovation challenges.

You will stroll through the 4 spaces in front of you, each detailing one of the stages of the project co-construction process : ideation, prototyping, experimentation and valorization.
Throughout the course, a case of use is used to illustrate the different stages of the “Transport Challenge” that took place in January 2018, in Lyon.

Want to know more about the devices you saw on our stand ? See "Je Suis le Bus" and "Recto Verso" !

[1Erasme is part of the European Network of Living Labs http://enoll.org/

par Patrick Vincent